Mississippi Speech-Language Pathologist License Renewal Guide - 2025
AKA: Mississippi Speech Therapy License Renewal
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Mississippi’s SLP licensure period begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of even-numbered years. About sixty days before your license is due to expire, a renewal notification will be emailed. Complete the renewal online or contact the Professional Licensure office to send you a renewal packet, and return it with a $100 renewal fee.
Earning continuing education units (CEUs) are required to have your license renewed. Twenty contact hours or two CEUs must be acquired each licensing term. Ten contact hours should be spent on the subject matter directly related to clinical speech-language pathology.
If the required hours aren’t earned, you will receive a continuing education (CE) probationary license for the remainder of the term. Any CE accrued will first be applied to fulfill the previous term’s requirements, and subsequent hours will go toward the current licensing period.
CE programs approved by ASHA, the American Medical Association (AMA), or the Mississippi Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) are acceptable for you to attend. Presentations to groups of speech-language pathologists or other health-related professionals will also count as CE credit. All twenty hours can be achieved by attending home study or online courses.
At the end of each CE activity, you will receive a form from the program provider confirming your attendance. Not every licensee renewing online will be asked to submit these forms as individuals are selected randomly. If you are selected, be sure to have the items on hand for the Board’s review.
However, if mailing in the application packet, you’ll need to submit proof of your CE activities. Once the information is received and processed, a confirmation email is sent out.